Bajahne 5. ytehmeocmanome 5 cheyuanbaix conpocoex mexomy.much of the first two years of a child's life is spent in the creation of a child's firstense of self"; most children are able to differentiate between themselves and otherstheir second year.this is a crucial part of the child's ability to determine how they should functionelation to other people.links to family must be emphasized by early care, home culture, and homeuage. infant education is the education of children before they would normallyr school.the term "infant" is typically applied to children between the ages of 1 month2 months.early childhood education focuses on children's learning through play, based onsearch and philosophy of jean piaget.this belief is centered on the power of play."it has been thought that children learn more efficiently and gain moredee through olav-based activities such as dramatic olav. art, and social games.