Attending a networking event can be stressful. What’s the best way to introduce
yourself? Who should you talk to? How
can you get a conversation started and keep
it going? These are just some of the
questions you may have. Learn what you
can do to make networking at business
events simple.

There are many different types of programs in which you can participate.
Professional association meetings, continuing education programs, local
business meetings and workshops, exhibitions, and professional conferences
provide opportunities for networking.

How to Prepare
Remember about the importance of the first impression. The most
important thing to do before every networking event you attend is to perfect
your self-introduction. Even if your English is not perfect yet, you can learn this
short speech without mistakes. Begin with something simple, like “Hello, my
name is Vladislav Bunin and I work for EMERCOM of Russia. I’m Head of...
and we provide...”. Also make sure that you have enough business cards with
Review the meeting agenda and workshops that you’d like to attend.
You’ll feel more comfortable if you have an action plan in place.
When You Arrive at the Event
A good way to begin networking is to start by introducing yourself to
people who are alone, then work up to introducing yourself to a couple of people
and then a group. You can start a conversation with questions like:
- “Is anybody sitting here?”
- “Do you know who the next speaker is?”
- “What do you specialize in?”
When the person answers, show that you’re interested.
Don’t forget to wear your name tag. It’s hard to remember names when
you’re meeting people at such events, and your name tag will be an easy
reminder of who you are for the people you’re talking with.

How to Introduce Yourself
Speak with a smile and offer to shake hands as you’re introducing
In a professional setting, it’s important to say your name twice. It’s also a
good idea to slow down and say your name clearly. For example, “Hi, I’m Boris,
Boris Marshall.” You may also mention your job position, your company, your
role in the event or other details.
“Hi Mr. Breakstone, I’m Boris, Boris Marshall. I’m one of the speakers
today. It’s great to meet you, Mr. Breakstone.”
As you’re introducing yourself, make eye contact with the person. Take a
moment to look at the person’s name tag – it may mention the company they
work for or their role as an organization, which will give you the opportunity to
break the ice and have something to talk about.
When someone introduces himself/ herself to you, be ready to reply with a
few phrases to get the conversation started:
- “Hi Mr. Marshall, I’m Andrey Milovanov and it’s a pleasure to meet
- “Nice to meet you, Mr. Brooks, I’m Philipp Kolosov.”
If you need to introduce the person to someone else you know say, “Can I
introduce you to...?” and give some information about the other person.
Note that English speakers often use a person’s first name to be friendly
and interested. However, it is not typical for all cultures.

Ex.5. Find the expressions in text A. (Найдите английские эквиваленты в
тексте A.)
1. introduce you
2. start a conversation
3. reply to continue a conversation
4. introduce someone else

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