At, for, from, in, on, to, with 3 Fill in the correct preposition from the list.
1 I usually have lunch the office when I've got
2 The restaurant is open 8 pm till midnight.
3 I'd like to book a table two people, please.
4 My favourite food is pasta tomato sauce.
5 Is there any milk the fridge?
6 Shall I put the plates the table?
7 Would you like to go the new Chinese
restaurant dinner tonight?
8 Brazilians have dinner about 10 o'clock
the Philippines, it's polite to leave a little
food your plate the end of a meal.
10 Finnish people sometimes eat their friends
the weekend.

Болотбекова2001 Болотбекова2001    1   24.09.2020 19:00    193

moto5 moto5  24.09.2020 19:01

2. from 3. for 4. with 5. in 6. on 7. to 8. at 9. on to 10. with


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