At, at, for,for, from,from, of, in, in, to, to, with 1 thank you the lovely present. 2 do you like listening music? 3 i'm tired. i'm going bed. 4 i usually get up o'clock. 5 'where's dan? ' 'he's home.' 6 i've got a letter my uncle in australia. 7 there are a lot car parks in the town centre. 8 we live a small flat. 9 don't walk so fast! wait me! 10 peter is going out some friends this evening. 11 my birthday is december. 12 'where are ' 'canada'.

Бyлaт Бyлaт    1   15.09.2019 15:40    1

ms71431 ms71431  07.10.2020 17:37
1 Thank you for the lovely present.
2 Do you like listening to music?
3 I'm tired. I'm going to bed.
4 I usually get up at seven o'clock.
5 'Where's Dan?' 'He's at home.'
6 I've got a letter from my uncle in Australia.
7 There are a lot of car parks in the  town centre.
8 We live in a small flat.
9 Don't walk so fast! Wait for me!
10 Peter is going out with some friends this evening.
11 My birthday is in December.
12 'Where are you from?' 'Canada'.
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