Astrange shape is moving across the sky. is it a bird? is it an aeroplane? or is it a ufo *? nick porter is fascinated by the possibility of life on other planets, so in his free time he tries to find out what these these objects are. we asked him some questions about his unusual hobby so, nick, why are you so interested in ufo $? well, thousands of people see strange objects in tha sky all over the world. most of these are planets, meteors, or militany planes - bit what about the rest? i'm a very cunous person, so vam to find an explanation! and what exactly does your hobby involve? well, i started a ufo club and we mostly investigate sightings. we interview witnesses and analyse videos and photos. sometimes we go out to a ufo 'hotspot, too. in fact, we're going out tonight. we usually go high up on a rooftop or a hillside. if we see something strange, we record as much information as we can! we use camcorders, cameras telescopes, and other devices. then we analyze the information on our laptops maybe some of our readers are thinking about taking up ufo hunting now! what advice do you have for them? well, anyone can become a ufo hunter. you just need to be enthusiastic and patient you also need to join a local ufo club. this way you find out where the ufo hotspots are, and you have witnesses if you spot something. so, what are you waiting for? ufo hunting is a lot of fun, and you never know you might just turn science fiction into science fact! найдите за и против существование нло