Ask questions to get the following answers:
1. The patrol function is fundamental to law enforcement.
2. The ever present force of officers in uniform and armed, on call 24 hours a day, is policing.
3. The patrol officer is the generalist of law enforcement.
4. The typical patrol officer today covers a beat in a marked, radio-equipped patrol car.
5. In recent years some new experiments have been done to measure the effectiveness of foot patrol.
6. Occasionally officers use motorcycles or small motorbikes.
7. In some communities, officers patrol waterfronts and parks with dogs.
8. Some police agencies have miniature navies for river and harbor patrols.
9. Patrol officers represent the full authority of police power.
10. Patrol, in all forms, has three primary purposes.
11. Sometimes patrolling officers may spend most of their on-duty time responding to calls.
12. The pattern followed during any particular police patrol depends on a variety of factors.
13. Patrol patterns are broken when unusual circumstances are observed.
14. The dispatcher patrol officer relationship is central to policing.