Аргументированный диалог об отношении к еде и диетам (оптимист/пессимист) на

ivasil2012 ivasil2012    1   06.10.2019 00:10    0

mishanya2011198 mishanya2011198  11.08.2020 13:25
-I can't do anything. I try as much as I try, and I cannot but eat.
-but i don't care. for me, better tasty food than hunger.
harmful food will ruin everyone. need to go out of this situation.no one was dying from her.
-Today I will go to bed again so as not to eat.
-you ruin yourself. I'm at least happy that I eat. what's the difference how much weight?
-I want him to like it, but he does not pay attention to me.
-I do not think that this is all because of your weight, it is better to change the behavior. but to be thin, I do not advise you. how much food there is delicious !
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