__ any bread?
Complete the question with IS THERE / ARE THERE or HOW MUCH / HOW MANY.
Is there any bread?
cousins have you got?
Complete the question with IS THERE / ARE THERE or HOW MUCH / HOW MANY.
How mani cousins have you got?
a website I can use?
Complete the question with IS THERE / ARE THERE or HOW MUCH / HOW MANY.
water do you drink every day?
Complete the question with IS THERE / ARE THERE or HOW MUCH / HOW MANY.
time have we got?
Complete the question with IS THERE / ARE THERE or HOW MUCH / HOW MANY.
any vegetables on the pizza?
Complete the question with IS THERE / ARE THERE or HOW MUCH / HOW MANY.

brukaya brukaya    3   27.05.2020 13:26    4

kristinabelousova005 kristinabelousova005  15.10.2020 09:58

1. Is there any bread?

2. How many cousins have you got?

3. Is there a website I can use?

4. How much water do you drink every day?

5. How much time have we got?

6. Are there any vegetables on the pizza?

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