Answer the questions What is the story of the book

"Animal Farm" about? Who is Boxer? 29

3 How many pigs are there in the book? Name them.

the ar Re from

3 Read the complete

Title Aut P

4.What do the other animals do? 52. What does the important rule


What does Napoleon want? 7.Who comes to the farmhouse and eat and drink with pigs?

Write true or false

1. The book is quite short-only ten chapters - it isn't an important classic.

28. A pig, Old Major, dreams about a life on the farm with humans 39. There is a fight and the animals

invite MR Jones, the unkind farmer, to the farm

4 10. For a while the animals work well together but then the pigs become powerful.

511.The animals begin to wear human clothes and eat and drink well.

2.Now the important rule says: "All animals aren't equal and some are more equal than others".​

TPROfesorT TPROfesorT    3   12.05.2021 11:30    0

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