Answer the questions. model: why does he have a black eye? he (fight). - he has been fighting. 1. why can't you speak? i (talk all day). - 2. why is the road wet? it (rain). - 3. why are you tired? i (work on sunday). - 4. why can he smell onions? she ( make a pizza). - 5. why is she sad? she (cry). -

AleksSuperMan AleksSuperMan    1   24.05.2019 12:40    0

ЧерепашкаВася ЧерепашкаВася  20.06.2020 09:42
1)I have been talking all day
2)It has been raining
3)i have been working on Sunday
4)She has been making a pizza
5)She has been crimg
Ganster1234567 Ganster1234567  20.06.2020 09:42
1.I've been talking all day 2.I has been raining.3 I have worked on Sunday 4. She has been making a pizza 5.She has been crying
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