Answer the questions.
1 why do we write reviews?
2 what do these reviews include?
3 do the reviews tell us what happened
at the end? why?
! ​

DedSToporom DedSToporom    1   09.10.2019 15:31    1

атвсомсча атвсомсча  10.10.2020 05:30

1.we write reviews in order to Express your opinion.

2.these reviews include spoilers and a person's opinion.

3.Of course, because as I said, everyone has an opinion.

Lux11 Lux11  10.10.2020 05:30

1.we write reviews in order to Express your opinion.

2.these reviews include spoilers and a person's opinion.

3.Of course, because as I said, everyone has an opinion.

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