Answer the following questions using information from the text and your own thoughts (дать развёрнутые ответы на вопросы, используя информацию из текста + выразить свои мысли Вот текст:
The modern world is becoming smaller all the time. Every day distances between different countries seem less. For this reason, it’s becoming more and more important to know different languages, especially English.
Two billion people speak English today. That’s about 25% of the world’s population.
700 million people speak English as their first language. For the other 850 million people it’s either a second language or a foreign language.
English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the Unites States of America, Australia and New Zealand. It is one of the official languages in Canada, the Irish Republic of South Africa.
As a second language English is spoken in more than 60 countries. It is used by the government, businessmen and universities.
English is the language of politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sport and pop music.
80% of all information in the world’s computers is in English.
75% of the world’s letters and faxes are in English.
60% of all international telephone calls are made in English.
More than 60% of all scientific journals are written in English.
To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. Learning a language is not an easy thing. It’s a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But it’s a must.
English is taught throughout the world and a lot of people speak it quite well. In our country English is very popular: it is studied at schools (sometimes even at nursery schools), colleges and universities.
We all need to understand each other. To do that we need an international language, and that’s English.

Вот вопросы:

Answer the following questions using information from the text and your own thoughts (дать развёрнут

жансаяболатова жансаяболатова    1   06.12.2020 15:50    40

ЯтвойДругг ЯтвойДругг  25.01.2024 05:59
1. How many people in the world speak English today?

According to the text, two billion people speak English today, which is about 25% of the world's population.

2. In how many countries is English the first language?

English is the first language in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Australia, and New Zealand.

3. Is English only spoken as the first language in those countries?

No, English is one of the official languages in Canada and the Irish Republic of South Africa. Additionally, as a second language, English is spoken in more than 60 countries.

4. In which areas is English commonly used?

English is commonly used in politics and diplomacy, science and technology, business and trade, sport and pop music. It is also one of the most widely used languages in the digital world, with 80% of all information in the world's computers being in English.

5. What percentage of international telephone calls are made in English?

60% of all international telephone calls are made in English, according to the information provided in the text.

6. Why is it important to learn English?

It is important to learn English because the modern world is becoming more connected, and knowing different languages, especially English, is crucial for communication and understanding among people from different countries. English is widely spoken, used in various fields, and is considered an international language. Additionally, learning a language requires time and patience, but it is necessary for personal and professional growth.

Overall, learning English is essential for individuals who want to be educated and knowledgeable in the globalized world.
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