Английский язык 8 класс ТЖБ 4 четверть (СОЧ) Task 1 You will hear a radio interview with a famous cardiologist. For questions 1-3 decide
whether the statements are true or FALSE.
Transript 7 (Transcript can be found after the mark scheme).
Example: Heart attacks are more common now than they were in the past. true
Dr. Shaw says most people would have a healthier diet if they had more time. [1]
If you have a healthy diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables, you don’t have to exercise.
Dr. Shaw says men in their 50s tend to smoke and drink too much coffee. [1]
Listen again and complete the sentences with NO MORE THAN TWO words.
Example: Dr. Shaw gives some advice on how to keep our hearts in good condition.
4 The main reason for increasing problems with heart is . [1]
5 People tend to eat when they are too busy. [1]
6 If people do physical activities at a regular basis, they strengthen their muscles and increase
their .
Task. Read the text about Kenneth. Mark the sentences true or false according to the
My dream job
My dream job would be becoming a professional baseball player. I grew up playing little league
baseball. I was not the best player on the team; but playing baseball was something I would look
forward to doing every day and just have fun doing it. I haven’t played baseball for the last four
years. I really missed the times when I would just have that happy feeling when my dad would
drive up to the park, when I would get a base hit, when I would catch a fly ball, or just the fact
that I was a part of a team.
So many baseball players these days take their jobs for granted. Many play baseball not just
because they are good at it, but because of the money. Alex Rodriguez signed a $252 million
contract for the Texas Rangers in 2000 Anybody in the entire world would love to be in his
shoes. After all, what would you do with $252 million? For myself, I would love to be in Alex
Rodriguez’s shoes, not because of the money, not because of the fame, but because if I were in
his shoes, I would just treasure every moment of every second that I am on the field.
I would feel like the luckiest person alive every time I am reminded that I am living the dream, a
dream that many people like myself would die to get the chance to do.
Example: A lot of players take their jobs for granted.
1 Kenneth would like to be a basketball player because he was always
the best in the team.
2 He enjoyed himself while playing baseball.
3 He has continuously played basketball since he was a child.
4 He believes that money is one of the main reasons to become a baseball player. [1]
5 Kenneth would like to be in Alex Rodriguez’s place because of the fame. [1]
6 He enjoys being a part of a baseball team. [1]
Task. Choose ONE of the topics to write.
Topic 1 Write an essay about the following topic:
Nowadays food has become easier to prepare. Has this change improved the way
people live?
Give reasons for your answer using your own ideas.
Topic 2 Write an essay about the following topic:
Doctors, nurses and teachers make a great contribution to society and should be paid
more than entertainment and sports celebrities. Do you agree or disagree?
Give reasons for your answer using your own ideas.

KatyaKerina KatyaKerina    2   18.05.2021 23:10    54

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