АНГЛИЙСКИЙ 2. a. Look at the words below. Do they have a positive or negative
meaning? Add them to your groups in ex. 1a. What elements of a
fi lm do they describe?
Eye-popping, poor, first-rate, fast-moving, second-rate, wellstructured, original, monotonous, unbelievable, slow-moving,
memorable, unclear, thought-provoking, powerful, dull /
boring, one-of-a-kind, multidimensional, dreadful, convincing,
talented, unforgettable, catchy, realistic.
b. Complete the sentences with the words from ex. 2a. Several
options are possible.
1. A writer has about two hours to tell the whole story that
features (includes) … complex characters. 2. Sci-fi film directors
use the latest technology to create … special effect. 3. You use
Communicative area: speaking about what makes a film
Active vocabulary: dreadful, multidimensional,
convincing, one-of-a-kind, eye-popping
… to describe something that is
special because there is nothing
else exactly like it. 4. The film
didn’t live up to my expectations:
its quality was … . 5. I couldn’t
relate to the characters because the acting wasn’t …. 6. One
way to make the plot of the story … is to include factual events.
7. The music in the film was … and spoiled the impression.