Англійська мова Напишіть електронного листа другові про одноденну поїздку, куди ви збираєтеся поїхати. Включіть наступне: • куди ви збираєтеся йти • коли ви збираєтеся їхати, хто буде з вами • що ви збираєтесь робити • запросіть свого друга
I am going to one-day trip in Saturday. My mommy says, it will be good time with my family. My cousins will join us tomorrow. We will arrange the camping near the river. We will have real tents, wе'll fish and sunbathe.
Can you join us? Without you this trip will be boring for me! Ask your parents for permission and let me know.
Hi my dear friend!
I am going to one-day trip in Saturday. My mommy says, it will be good time with my family. My cousins will join us tomorrow. We will arrange the camping near the river. We will have real tents, wе'll fish and sunbathe.
Can you join us? Without you this trip will be boring for me! Ask your parents for permission and let me know.
Bye (ім'я друга)!
The best wishes, (своє ім'я)