Англ.яз 8-9кл Weather and climate
The English are famous for their tea and weather. The English are always talking about their weather. English weather is never the same two days running.
The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the spring and early summer. All the cold winds, the fog and heavy rains have gone. It rains sometimes, it's often cloudy, but not so often as in the winter. It rains quite often during all the year in England. It's a green country with green grass and large gardens.
The autumn is a nice season. The sky is blue and the sun shines all the day. After spring comes short English summer. It's a time of journeys to the seaside to bathe in the sea.
The winter has no snow at all sometimes. But it's not the right statement for the North and Scotland. It's nice time for skating on rivers. The west is warmer than other parts of the country.
It's a difficult country for people who work outdoors. They are milkmen, farmers, postmen and policemen. It could be cold in the morning, warm in the afternoon and raining in the evening. One day it's sunny, next day it may be cold, and the next day it may be rainy.
The most terrible weather is the foggy weather. Sometimes the fog is thick and dirty. In London this is called smog: a mixture of smoke and fog. Sometimes it's so dark that people can't see the way and cars crawl along slowly with their lights-on.
Everybody in England hates to wake up in the morning and look through the window to see the fog on the street. "Terrible" weather say 20 million Englishmen, when they go to work in the morning.
Words and expressions:
running подряд
quite весьма
to shine светить
seaside побережье
at all вообще
statement утверждение
warmer теплее
milkman продавец молока (молочник)
thick густой
smog смог
to crawl along ползти
lights-on включенные фары
Задания к тексту «Weather and climate»
Задание №1
Составьте план текста.
Задание №2
Выпишите предложения из текста со словами, данными ниже.
Переведите их письменно.
Слова: famous, beautiful, cloudy, grass, sky, snow, outdoors, raining, sunny, foggy, terrible.
Задание №3
Дополните предложения словами из текста.
The ... are famous ... their tea and weather.
English weather is never the same
The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the ... and early ... .
It... sometimes, it's often ... , not so often as in the ... .
It's green ... with green ... and large ... .
The ... has no ... at all sometimes.
It's nice time for ... on rivers.
8 country for people who work ... .
The most... weather is the ... weather.
Sometimes the ... is and ... .
Задание №4
Определите, верное утверждение или нет.
The English are famous for their tea and coffee.
The English are always talking about their weather.
English weather is always the same two days running.
The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the winter and early autumn.
It rains quite often during all the year in England.
The winter has no snow at all sometimes.
The south is warmer than other parts of the country.
It's not a difficult country for people who work outdoors.
The most terrible weather is a rainy weather.
Everybody in England likes to wake up in the morning and look
through the window to see the rain on the street.
Задание №5
Исправьте в предложениях допущенные грамматические ошибки, следуя тексту. Объясните правила.
English weather are never the same two day miming.
The most beautiful time in Great Britain the spring and early summer.
The autumn nice season.
The winter have no snow at all sometimes.
The west is warm than other parts of the country.
A most terrible weather is foggy weather.
Sometimes the fog thick and dirty.
At London this are called smog; a mixture smoke and fog.
Задание №6
Составьте предложения из данных слов так, чтобы они соответствовали предложениям в тексте.
winter, sometimes, often, not, it, the, as, rains, it's, so, but, often, cloudy, in;
the, afternoon, it, be, warm, raining, could, in, the, cold, in, the, and, morning, in, evening;
it's, people, cars, way, the, see, sometimes, with, dark, slowly, their, so, lights-on, that, along, can't, crawl, and.
План текста "Weather and climate":
1. Вводная часть: Великобритания известна своим чаем и погодой.
2. Описание английской погоды: она всегда меняется, никогда не одинакова два дня подряд.
3. Описание самого красивого времени года в Великобритании: весна и начало лета.
4. Описание погоды в Великобритании: иногда дожди, часто облачно, особенно зимой.
5. Описание осени: хорошее время года, синее небо и солнце.
6. Описание короткого лета в Великобритании: время поездок на побережье для купания в море.
7. Описание зимы: иногда нет снега, особенно в Южной части, хорошее время для катания на коньках.
8. Описание сложной погоды для людей, работающих на открытом воздухе.
9. Описание самой худшей погоды - туманной.
10. Мнение англичан о погоде.
Задание №2:
Выпишем предложения из текста со словами:
1. The English are famous for their tea and weather. (Англичане известны своим чаем и погодой.)
2. The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the spring and early summer. (Самое прекрасное время в Великобритании - весна и начало лета.)
3. English weather is never the same two days running. (Английская погода никогда не одинакова два дня подряд.)
4. It rains quite often during all the year in England. (В Англии дожди довольно часто идут весь год.)
5. It's a green country with green grass and large gardens. (Это зеленая страна с зеленой травой и большими садами.)
6. The winter has no snow at all sometimes. (Зимой иногда совсем нет снега.)
7. It's nice time for skating on rivers. (Это хорошее время для катания на коньках на реках.)
8. It's a difficult country for people who work outdoors. (Это сложная страна для людей, работающих на открытом воздухе.)
9. The most terrible weather is the foggy weather. (Самая ужасная погода - туманная.)
10. Sometimes the fog is thick and dirty. (Иногда туман бывает густым и грязным.)
Задание №3:
Дополним предложения словами из текста:
1. The English are famous for their tea and weather. (Англичане известны своим чаем и погодой.)
2. English weather is never the same two days running. (Английская погода никогда не одинакова два дня подряд.)
3. The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the spring and early summer. (Самое прекрасное время в Великобритании - весна и начало лета.)
4. It rains sometimes, it's often cloudy, but not so often as in the winter. (Иногда идут дожди, часто облачно, но не так часто, как зимой.)
5. It's a green country with green grass and large gardens. (Это зеленая страна с зеленой травой и большими садами.)
6. The winter has no snow at all sometimes. (Зимой иногда совсем нет снега.)
7. It's nice time for skating on rivers. (Это хорошее время для катания на коньках.)
8. It's a difficult country for people who work outdoors. (Это сложная страна для людей, работающих на открытом воздухе.)
9. The most terrible weather is the foggy weather. (Самая ужасная погода - туманная.)
10. Sometimes the fog is thick and dirty. (Иногда туман бывает густым и грязным.)
Задание №4:
Определим, верное утверждение или нет:
1. The English are famous for their tea and coffee. (НЕТ)
2. The English are always talking about their weather. (ДА)
3. English weather is always the same two days running. (НЕТ)
4. The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the winter and early autumn. (НЕТ)
5. It rains quite often during all the year in England. (ДА)
6. The winter has no snow at all sometimes. (ДА)
7. The south is warmer than other parts of the country. (ДА)
8. It's not a difficult country for people who work outdoors. (НЕТ)
9. The most terrible weather is a rainy weather. (НЕТ)
10. Everybody in England likes to wake up in the morning and look through the window to see the rain on the street. (НЕТ)
Задание №5:
Исправим грамматические ошибки:
1. English weather is never the same two days running. (Английская погода никогда не одинакова два дня подряд.)
2. The most beautiful time in Great Britain is the spring and early summer. (Самое прекрасное время в Великобритании - весна и начало лета.)
3. The autumn is a nice season. (Осень - хорошее время года.)
4. The winter has no snow at all sometimes. (Зимой иногда совсем нет снега.)
5. The west is warmer than other parts of the country. (Запад теплее других частей страны.)
6. The most terrible weather is foggy weather. (Самая ужасная погода - туманная.)
7. Sometimes the fog is thick and dirty. (Иногда туман бывает густым и грязным.)
8. In London this is called smog: a mixture of smoke and fog. (В Лондоне это называется смог: смесь дыма и тумана.)
Задание №6:
Составим предложения из данных слов:
1. In the winter, sometimes it often rains, but not so often as in the summer. (Зимой иногда часто идут дожди, но не так часто, как летом.)
2. In the afternoon, it could be warm, raining in the morning, and cold in the evening. (Днем может быть тепло, утром дождь и холодно вечером.)
3. Sometimes, people and cars crawl along slowly with their lights-on because it's so dark that they can't see the way. (Иногда люди и машины ползут медленно с включенными фарами, потому что так темно, что они не могут видеть дорогу.)