Choose the correct variant (Mix of Tenses: Present Simple, Past Simple, Future
Simple, Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future Continuous)
1. We a car, but we are going to buy it.
a) don’t have b) aren’t have c) hasn’t d) doesn’t have
2. the doctor patients from 9 till 12 o’clock tomorrow?
a) Will examine b) Has examined c) Will be examining d) Is examining
3. They Kate at the concert last night.
a) don’t meet b) didn’t meet c) didn’t met d) won’t meet
4. At the moment we over the desert.
a) ’ve flying b) flied c) are flying d) is flying
5. When you rang me yesterday, I a bath.
a) were having b) had c) have had d) was having
II. Choose and write the correct variant ( Modal Verbs)
1. Excuse me, you tell me the way to the post-office?
a) may b) shall c) should d) could
2. I to speak English at the end of the course.
a) can b) will be able c) could d) may
3. My mother says we eat so many sweets.
a) ought not b) don’t have to c)shouldn’t d) needn’t
4. Pupils use their dictionaries during the test.
a) must b) had to c) may d) should
5. Jane play the piano, the violin and the trumpet.
a) can b) could c) might d) must
III. Choose the correct answer below ( Conditional Sentences – Type 1,2)
1. If we late for the class, our teacher will be angry with us.
a) I s b) were c) will be d) are
2. I jogging with Tom and Sue if they were here this week.
a) would have gone b) will go c) would go d) went
3. Where Dave flowers if all the shops are closed?
a) will buy b) would buy c) does buy d) do buy
4. If I you, I would look for a highly paid job.
a) am b) were c) are d) would be
5. If you drink so much coffee, you well at night.
a) don’t sleep b) doesn’t sleep c) won’t sleep d) not sleep

Matveu331 Matveu331    3   13.05.2020 10:46    1

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