Amy Where's Bill? It's almost nine o'clock. The film starts in fifteen minutes.
Liv I think we should call him. You know Bill. He's
never on time.
Amy ... He's not answering his mobile.
Liv Maybe he's still at home. Try him there.
Bill Hello?
Amy Bill! What are you doing at home? Have you
forgotten about the cinema again?
Bill Sorry, Amy, but I'm ill... I've got the flu. I've got a
fever and a headache. I've got a bad cough, too.
Amy You poor thing! You should take a painkiller and
stay in bed then.
Liv What's wrong with him, Amy?
Amy Bill's got the flu.
Liv Oh dear! He shouldn't go out.

Amy Where's Bill? It's almost nine o'clock. The film starts in fifteen minutes. Liv I think we shoul

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