Аможные вариантыporn, his parents hadcon shippe trumanexam zone 1прочитайте предложения с пропусками и возможныеответов. обведите номер выбранного вами варианта от4 but truman was born.. one of the better1 harry s. trumana big problemknown amencan presidents3 is being 4 has been2 is1 bebut people2 he died over fifty yearsstill ask about what the 's' stands for.1 since 2 for 3 already 4 ago3 this initial the cause of muchargument for a long time.2 was 3 is1 while 2 when 3 where 4 why5 both grandfathers, anderson shippand solomon young, wanted grandson to be named after them.1 his 2 our 3 their 4 your6 to keep everyone happy, harry's parents the letter s as the baby's middle name1 were 2 have 3 chose 4 ischoosing chosen4 is being1 ​

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