Alice in wonderland list adjectives that you would to descrbs alice in the fim discuss what she does use that makes her difle to female characters in oher disney film she a good rolemodel? 2. in the film the mad iаiter keсps asking the riddle 'why is like a writing a raven desk? try making up some of your own riddles than compare onc thing to another.iest them on your friends in class! 3. alice has fight the jabberwocky to save wonderland read i ewis carroll's poem jabberwocky' that first appeared in his second story about alice.through the looking glass.look for words and names in this fameus 'nonsense' poem tha featured in the film 4. the features 'portmanteau' word these are when two or more words are mixed poem together to create a new word.make some portman cau words of your own.