After theschool yearforall studentsis waitinga summerall the the newschool year.but for methislastsummer vacationin school.after the lastbelli'm going topassexamsandimmerse themselvesin usualmost of thesummer ispendatmy grandmother.she livesnear the townin the country.there'sa verybeautifulnature, clean
airandmanylakes.butsometimesi willspend timein the citywith myfriends.this will bea greatsummer, becauseevery dayi .also,i intend tovisitseveral museumsandtheaters,gotoseveralconcerts.maybei still havea tripto the general,this summerwill be asnormalaseveryone else.butalmostat the end ofholidaysformeis waitingentry intouniversity. проверте и
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Юлясруля Юлясруля    3   08.03.2019 18:50    4

ЭвелинаРожкова ЭвелинаРожкова  06.06.2020 22:46

lastsummer раздельно,last summer.
 As usual most of the summer I spend at my grandmother, нужно писать in, а не at.
 manylakes, тоже раздельно, many lakes.
 greatsummer, и это раздельно, great summer :)
 ofholidays, здесь тоже, of holidays-это праздники,holidays-каникулы. Исправь, ибо то, ибо то.

OLEGator800 OLEGator800  06.06.2020 22:46

All students  are waiting a great season - summer after the school year.In summer all the children relax and recruiteforces for the new school year. But for me  it will be the last summer vacationsin school. After the last bell I'm going to pass exams and  have a little rest. As usual the  most  part of summer I spend at my grandmother*s. She lives in the country near the town.There's a very beautiful nature, pure air and many lakes. But sometimes I spend time in the city with my friends.It  will be a great summer, because every day I will  meet friends and  walk with them. I  want to visit  some museums and theaters, go to someconcerts too. Maybe I will  have a trip to the sea. In general, this summer will be as normal as  previous ones. But  at the end of holidays  it will  a time of waiting for results  of  entring the university.

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