Add the necessary Indefinite Pronouns some -, any -, no -, every -.
was really bored during the holiday. I did and went .

I woke up and suddenly seemed better.

There was water all over the floor. It was .

There's very attractive about her.

Did see George Clooney's latest film?

is talking about the new soap opera.

I'm sure there is downstairs.

I can't make my point clear. understands me !

Let's go different tonight.

must hand in their homework by Friday.

77Джи77 77Джи77    1   02.04.2020 13:11    3

САНЯBOSS САНЯBOSS  19.01.2024 17:56
To add the necessary indefinite pronouns, we need to fill in the blanks with words that make sense in the context of the sentences. Here is the step-by-step solution:

1. I was really bored during the holiday. I did something and went somewhere.
- The word "something" can be used to indicate an unspecified activity, and "somewhere" can be used to indicate an unspecified location. So the completed sentence would be: "I was really bored during the holiday. I did something and went somewhere."

2. I woke up and suddenly seemed better.
- No indefinite pronoun is needed in this sentence because it is already complete: "I woke up and suddenly seemed better."

3. There was water all over the floor. It was something.
- The word "something" can be used to refer to an unspecified thing, in this case, the water on the floor. So the completed sentence would be: "There was water all over the floor. It was something."

4. There's something very attractive about her.
- The word "something" can be used to refer to an unspecified quality or aspect. So the completed sentence would be: "There's something very attractive about her."

5. Did someone see George Clooney's latest film?
- The word "someone" is used to refer to an unspecified person. So the completed sentence would be: "Did someone see George Clooney's latest film?"

6. Everyone is talking about the new soap opera.
- The word "everyone" is used to refer to all the people. So the completed sentence would be: "Everyone is talking about the new soap opera."

7. I'm sure there is someone downstairs.
- The word "someone" is used to refer to an unspecified person. So the completed sentence would be: "I'm sure there is someone downstairs."

8. I can't make my point clear. No one understands me!
- The word "no one" is used to refer to not a single person. So the completed sentence would be: "I can't make my point clear. No one understands me!"

9. Let's go somewhere different tonight.
- The word "somewhere" is used to indicate an unspecified location, and "different" is used to suggest a change from the usual. So the completed sentence would be: "Let's go somewhere different tonight."

10. Everyone must hand in their homework by Friday.
- The word "everyone" is used to refer to all the people, and "their" is used to indicate possession. So the completed sentence would be: "Everyone must hand in their homework by Friday."
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