ACTIVITY BOOK Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the words below. Insects Horses and cows Hummingbirds snake sheep blue whale 1. The can produce the loudest sound of any animal. At 188 decibels, the noise can be detected over 800 kilometres away. sleep while standing up. 2. 3. such as bees, mosquitoes and cicadas make noise by rapidly moving their wings. 4. Even when a has its eyes closed, it can still see through its eyelids. 5. Unlike humans, have four stomachs, each one helps them digest the food they eat. 6. are so agile and have such good control that they can fly backwards.​

ACTIVITY BOOK Exercise 2. Fill in the blanks with the words below. Insects Horses and cows Hummingbi

nikita228928 nikita228928    3   23.08.2021 13:35    1

leedercools leedercools  23.08.2021 13:40

1. The blue whale can produce the loudest sound of any animal. At 188 decibels, the noise can be detected over 800 kilometres away.

2.Horses and cows sleep while standing up.

3. Insects such as bees, mosquitoes and cicadas make noise by rapidly moving their wings.

4. Even when a snake has its eyes closed, it can still see through its eyelids.sheep

5. Unlike humans, sheep have four stomachs, each one helps them digest the food they eat.

6. Hummingbirds are so agile and have such good control that they can fly backwards.

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