By the time she was twelve, Vanessa-Mae had played with orchestras
all over the world as a soloist. She had also released three classical
recordings. Soon, however, Vanessa-Mae wanted to try playing other
kinds of music as well.
Although she loved classical music, Vanessa-Mae wanted to experiment
with other kinds of music. At 14, she began to combine the traditional
sound of her acoustic violin with the sounds made from her new electric
violin. She called this music "techno-acoustic fusion." Vanessa-Mae loved
the music that the two types of violins made together. Her first album
with techno-acoustic fusion music was called The Violin Player. It was
instantly successful and sold in over 20 countries. It was even a hit on the
best-selling music charts.
No longer just a classical musician, Vanessa-Mae was asked to perform
at international rock concerts. At a concert in Switzerland, the audience of
50,000 people gave her a 20-minute ovation. The crowd did not want her
to stop playing.
Vanessa-Mae has sometimes been criticized for not just playing
classical music. However, she feels it is important to introduce violin
music to a new audience, and that her style of music has been helpful in
reaching that goal. “If, as a result [of my music], people see the violin as
a fresh, up-to-dates instrument, that's fine with me."

elenaveruaskina elenaveruaskina    3   26.04.2021 10:29    3

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