A-Z 1. Read. 56 sleeping bags, 98 eups, 13 plates, 9 knives, 64 forks, 79 spoons, 22 tents
A-Z 2. Read the words. Четко произноси окончания. начальную (неопределенную) форму каждого глагола. played. arrived, crossed, pointed, reached, landed, walked, talked, followed, needed, visited, wanted. crashed, passed, mended, chased, climbed
3. Talk to your friend. Какие слова вам нужно использовать в во о событиях, а какие в во о событиях в настоящем?
What did you do yesterday?
What do you do every day?
4. Какая форма прилагательного нужна в этих предложениях? Read the sentences and fill in the gaps. Cinderella is (kind) than her sisters. The Wolf isn't (kind) to Red Riding Hood. Many children like (long) cartoons. Pinocchio has got a (long) nose than Malvina. The trees in the rain forest and in the taiga are very
Giraffes are
(tall) than elephants.
5. Read the text. What's your favourite season? My favourite season is spring. In spring the days are longer and the nights are shorter than in winter. It is warmer. It rains sometimes, but the rain is warm. There are small green leaves on the trees.
6. Допиши стихотворение. Найди недостающие слова в тексте из задания 5. It is warm in And the days are The birds start to sing, And we learn a new song.

igorpuzyrev1 igorpuzyrev1    2   15.04.2020 19:58    16

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