A) When do we use the passive? How is it formed? Which tenses do not have a passive form?
b) Find examples of the passive in the text.
c) Rewrite the following sentences in the passive.
1. Kanat put up the tent
2. The mayor has recently opened the UFO museum
3. Lots of UFO-spotters visit Roswell, New Mexico
4. People are making preparations for the town's first UFO festival.
5. Ulan is starting a UFO tour in the area
6. Locals have seen many strange lights in the desert
7. They will publish Nurlan's book about local mysteries next month

камран12 камран12    1   10.04.2020 12:46    143

KARAZINO KARAZINO  10.01.2024 20:39
A) Мы используем пассивный залог, когда объект действия важнее того, кто его совершает, или когда мы не знаем, кто является субъектом действия. Пассивный залог образуется с помощью формы глагола "быть" в соответствующем времени, после которой следует форма причастия прошедшего времени глагола. Некоторые времена не имеют пассивной формы, такие как Present Perfect Continuous и Future Continuous.

B) Найдите примеры пассивного залога в тексте:
- The mayor has recently opened the UFO museum (А безличный пассивный залог: "был открыт").
- Lots of UFO-spotters visit Roswell, New Mexico (Пассивный залог: "посещают").
- People are making preparations for the town's first UFO festival (Пассивный залог: "делают").
- They will publish Nurlan's book about local mysteries next month (Пассивный залог: "будут публиковать").

C) Перепишите следующие предложения в пассивном залоге:
1. The tent was put up by Kanat.
2. The UFO museum has recently been opened by the mayor.
3. Roswell, New Mexico is visited by lots of UFO-spotters.
4. Preparations are being made for the town's first UFO festival.
5. A UFO tour is being started in the area by Ulan.
6. Many strange lights have been seen in the desert by locals.
7. Nurlan's book about local mysteries will be published next month by them.
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