A: what were you doing when i 1) ) at eight, burt? b: i 2) ) in the garden because the wind 3) down) the fence during the night. a: oh, 4) /manage) to fix it? b: yes, i 5) ) it eventually, but it 6) ) very hard work. i 7) ) my neighbour to help in the end. why 8) /call) me? a; i 9) ) to tell you about the factory. it 10) down) yesterday. b: i know. the company 11) have) problems for a long time before they finally 12) ) to close down the factory. a: i 13) ) they would change their minds about it, though. it 14) ) a part of the town for years. b: well, at least everyone who worked there 15) /find) a new job. that's good news.

egoraga142 egoraga142    2   31.05.2019 21:30    43

Anna18181818181818 Anna18181818181818  02.07.2020 08:05
A: What were you doing when I 1) called at eight, Burt?
B: I 2) was working in the garden because the wind 3) had blown down the fence during the night.
A: Oh, 4) did you manage to fix it?
B: Yes, I 5) did it eventually, but it 6) hadn't been very hard work. I 7) asked my neighbour to help in the end. Why 8) did you call me?
A; I 9) wanted to tell you about the factory. It 10) was closed down yesterday.
B: I know. The company 11) had had problems for a long time before they finally 12) decided to close down the factory.
A: I 13) hoped they would change their minds about it, though. It 14) had/has been a part of the town for years.
B: Well, at least everyone who worked there 15) have now found a new job. That's good news. 
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