A.Установите соответствие между заголовками A- H и текстами 1-7 . Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний. A. Studying from Home
B. Personal Development Is Important
C. Modern Tools for Studying
D. Finding the Right Activity for You
E. Studying and Living at School
F. Specialized Schools
G. Assessing Academic Progress
H. High- Tech School
1. In the earliest days of computers, the only computer education was about computers. We and computers have come a long way since those days. Now computers have invaded every aspect of modern life. Education is no exception. Students can use word processors for writing, spreadsheets for mathematics and science, and databases for organizing information. Lately, the Internet has become a recognized way of getting information.
2. There are many advantages to distance learning. For homeschoolers, it's a great way to safely get a head start on college before completing high school. In addition, many students don’t have the ability to leave home for maybe family or work obligations. Another huge advantage is the cost savings. Through distance learning, you avoid room and board fees that will have to be paid by a traditional student.
3. In Great Britain many children go to boarding schools. A boarding school can be an excellent placement for an orphaned child, because everyone is treated equally and fairly there. Many parents with non-traditional careers or those undergoing difficult transitions like divorce find boarding schools excellent alternatives. Boarding school can help children grow in independence, and friendships formed in boarding schools often last a lifetime.
4. Considered by many to be a diamond in the rough of the Parkside area, the school boasts a curriculum that encourages technological literacy. The 170 local 9th grade students don’t carry any books or pencils. The school supplies every student with their own laptop. They create multimedia presentations with Microsoft PowerPoint, receive assignments via e- mail, and conduct research online. So far, the unique program has had positive results,
5. Chorister's schools are educational establishments which have a special emphasis on religious choir singing. These schools are usually attached to a cathedral, church or chapel, where the school choir sings. Choir schools do not exclusively educate choristers: about 15,000 pupils are taught at chorister schools in the UK, but only around 1,000 of those are choristers. Tony Blair, for example, attended the Chorister School but was not himself a Chorister.
6. For the majority of college and university students, involvement in extracurricular activities plays an essential role in the collegiate experience. Students become involved in extracurricular activities not only for entertainment, social and enjoyment purposes, but most importantly, to gain and improve skills. A wide and diversified range of extracurricular activities exist on US campuses, meeting a variety of student interests.
7. The test is an important benchmark in ensuring that students will be successful in meeting the challenges they will face either in college or the workplace. If they are not able to meet the standards of the exam, how can we expect them to be successful in life? Examinations can be traumatic for both and their teachers. But just because nobody really enjoys them, we should not disregard them as a necessary part of the education process.
B. Выберите правильную форму глагола.
1. Five miles (is/ are) a long way to walk every day.
2. I need more money. Six pounds (is/ are) not enough.
3. These species (is/ are) rare.
4. My hair (is/ are) dark brown.
5. His watch (need/ needs) repairing.
6. Radio news (give/ gives) us less information than television news.
7. The stairs to the ground floor (was/ were) over there.
8. The information (was/ were) very helpful.
9. His glass (is/ are) on the table.
10. There (is/ are) toast on the dish.
C.Прочитайте текст. Подставьте вместо пробелов слова, данные в конце каждой строки, преобразовав их.
Dear Sir or Madam,
I read your(1) in International Business advertise
magazine and I am writing for more information
concerning entry(2) require
for the course the English Language. Could you tell
me what language(3) are required? qualify
I do not possess the First Certificate and would like
to know if(4) on the course depends accept
on having the FCE? In fact, as I am an(5) account
for an international company I would be interested in
a course which focuses on language(6) develop
for both social and(7) purposes. I would busy
also like to know the(8) from the college distant
to London and if(9) at all classes is attend
obligatory, or whether an occasional(10) absent
for purposes of travel be acceptable.