А. The narrator says that it is .

1. difficult to have Chinese food in England 2. easy to find Italian food in many countries 3. not easy to find English food in England

B. According to the narrator the sales of .

1. British food are going up 2. pasta and pizza are increasing 3. chicken, rabbits, apples and tea are increasing

C. The narrator believes that British cooking .

1. has always been great 2. is good because it is international 3. was good until World War II

D. The narrator says that the British .

1. eat only traditional British food 2. buy a lot of foreign ingredients 3. don’t like cooking with foreign ingredients

E. The narrator says that British weather .

1. usually ruins fruit and vegetables 2. is not an important influence on British food 3. gives the opportunity to produce good quality food

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kristinalobanova6 kristinalobanova6    3   13.05.2020 23:38    191

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