A support C aid

B management D assistance
10 If you ….. Gardner’s theory, you’d have known about the different intelligences.

A read C have read

B would read D had read

11 The new teaching strategy was developed ….. two psychologists.

A with C of

B from D by

12 Two weeks ago, the information session about stress management ….. in the conference hall.

A was held C has been held

B was being held D had been held

13 Scientists believe music has a strong ….. on our brains as it can alter our level of intelligence and mood.

A effect C reaction

B consequence D boost

14 Let’s start learning about the brain, …..?

A will we C do we

B shall we D are we

15 Those with ….. intelligence find it easy to form a picture of something in their mind.

A spatial C naturalistic

B kinesthetic D intrapersonal

16 He can’t ….. what I just said to him 10 minutes ago. His memory is terrible.

A retain C memorize

B visualize D recall

17 If he’d saved his money, he ….. a new camera.

A bought

B would buy

C had bought

D have bought

18 Young people should ….. to the challenge and take part in The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award.

A reach C push

B rise D meet

19 The brain is ….. our memories are stored.

A which C that

B where D what

20 It is important for educators to ….. a range of teaching methods in the classroom.

A require C retain

B activate D employ

amina2031406 amina2031406    3   26.02.2021 10:45    10

Еваююююююююююю Еваююююююююююю  28.03.2021 10:46

B management D assistance


10 If you ….. Gardner’s theory, you’d have known about the different intelligences.

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