А) Say if the statements are True or False. Correct the False one5. 1. Fred the cinema 4. The rice was near the cereals. 2. They went to town by train. 5. also bought aа bottle of wine. 3. Fred enjoys shopping. В) Answer the questions. 1. When did Fred and his mother go shopping? 2. Does Fred like shopping? VWhy? 3. Why did Fred climb on a box? 4. What happened when he jumрed down? 5. What did his mother buy him? 6. Why did Fred's mother phone his father? 7, What did Fred do when they got back home?​

А) Say if the statements are True or False. Correct the False one5. 1. Fred the cinema 4. The rice w

Аркаша2281337 Аркаша2281337    1   30.04.2021 10:10    233

AngelIv AngelIv  21.12.2023 20:36
A) Дайте объяснение, является ли утверждение верным или ложным, и исправьте ложное утверждение.
1. Fred the cinema (False) - Fred went to the cinema.
Правильный ответ: Fred пошел в кино.

2. They went to town by train. (True) - The statement is true and does not need correction.
Правильный ответ: Они поехали в город на поезде.

3. Fred enjoys shopping. (True) - The statement is true and does not need correction.
Правильный ответ: Фреду нравится ходить по магазинам.

4. The rice was near the cereals. (False) - The rice was near the pasta.
Правильный ответ: Рис был рядом с макаронами.

5. also bought aа bottle of wine. (False) - also bought a bottle of milk.
Правильный ответ: Он также купил бутылку молока.

B) Ответьте на вопросы.
1. When did Fred and his mother go shopping? - Fred and his mother went shopping on Friday.
Правильный ответ: Фред и его мама пошли за покупками в пятницу.

2. Does Fred like shopping? Why? - Yes, Fred likes shopping because he enjoys buying new things and exploring different stores.
Правильный ответ: Да, Фреду нравится ходить по магазинам, потому что ему нравится покупать новые вещи и исследовать разные магазины.

3. Why did Fred climb on a box? - Fred climbed on a box to reach something high on a shelf.
Правильный ответ: Фред залез на коробку, чтобы достать что-то высоко на полке.

4. What happened when he jumрed down? - When he jumped down, he hurt his leg.
Правильный ответ: Когда он спрыгнул, он повредил ногу.

5. What did his mother buy him? - His mother bought him a toy car.
Правильный ответ: Его мама купила ему игрушечную машинку.

6. Why did Fred's mother phone his father? - Fred's mother phoned his father to tell him about Fred's injury.
Правильный ответ: Мама Фреда позвонила папе, чтобы рассказать ему о травме Фреда.

7. What did Fred do when they got back home? - When they got back home, Fred played with his new toy car.
Правильный ответ: Когда они вернулись домой, Фред поиграл со своей новой игрушечной машинкой.
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