A) Read and translate the following dialogue;
b) Memorize and dramatize the dialogue;
c) Act out a similar dialogue.
A. They say, you have bought a computer?
B. Yes, now I have got my own computer.
A. That’s fine. And what type of a computer have you got?
B. The most common type, a digital one.
A. By the way, do you know what it means "a digital computer"?
В. It goes without saying. Digital computers deal with numbers. All data – pictures, sounds, symbols, and words are translated into numbers inside the computer.
A. Yes, you are right. Digital computers are so widespread that the word "computer" almost always refers to a digital computer. But there are 3 types of computers: digital, analog, and hybrid ...
B. Sorry for interrupting you. I do know about it. Analog computers work with a physical quantity, such as weight, speed, temperature. They solve problems by measuring a quantity in terms of another quantity. Do you understand it?
A. Yes, certainly, for example, they measure temperature in terms of the length of a thin line of liquid in a thermometer.
B. Good for you. And when are you going to buy a computer? You know so much about the computers.
A. You see, I haven’t got such a large amount of money.
B. Take it easy. You may use my computer.
A. Thanks a lot.
B. You are welcome.