A) переведите предложения. поставьте их past и future simple, добавляя, где необходимо, слова last/next week, last/next year, tomorrow, yesterday т.д. 1. there is a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom. 2. there are many technical journals in our study. б) опровергните данные утверждения. напишите ио одному общему и специальному вопросу к каждому предложению. 1. there is a bus stop near the post office. 2. there are a lot of students at the lecture. 3. there was somebody in the room. 3 тема 3: степени сравнения прилагательных и наречный поставьте прилагательные наречия соответствующую степень сравнения. 1. public transport in london is the (expensive) in europe. 2. do you think americans are (nice) than english people? 3. the of december is the (short) day in the year. 4. happiness is (important) than money. 5. this coat is the (little) expensive of all. 6. apples are (sweet) than lemons. 7. a train is the (uncomfortable) place to sleep in. 8. dorothy has spoken (kindly) today. 9. the (soon) you take your medicine, the (well) you will feel. 10. (mamy) of my friends live in moscow. 4 тема 4: структура предложения a) составьте предложения из следующих слов и переведите их. ) 1. students / more / institutes / last / entered / a / million / than / year. 2. traditions / our / interesting / has / university / many.

nikusy2005 nikusy2005    3   17.05.2019 15:21    2

YarSmith YarSmith  10.06.2020 22:18


1. There was a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom last year (past.s). There will be a blackboard, four tables and five chairs in our classroom tomorrow (fut.s.).

2. There were  many technical journals in our study. There will be

many technical journals in our study


1.There isn't a bus stop near the post office.

Is there a bus stop near the post office?

What is there near the post office?

2. There are not a lot of students at the lecture.

Are there a lot of students at the lecture?

Where are there a lot of students?

3. There wasn't somebody in the room.

Was there somebody in the room?

Who was there in the room?

1. the most expensive

2. nicer

3. shorter

4. more important

5. the least

6. sweeter

7. most uncomfortable

8. kindlier

9. sooner, better

10. most


1. More than a million students entered institutes last year

2. Our university has many interesting traditions.


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