a Match these words and expressions and their definitions. (Coeann Choba выражения с их определениями.) Definition Word / Expression 0 ability to make someone feel very embarrassed and ashame b someone who cannot use a part of their body in t 1 to humiliate way most people are able to use a blind person a person who cannot hear anything 3 disability d power or knowledge that makes you able to do sth a person who cannot see anything 4 to offend f to make someone angry and upset by doing or sayings that they think is rude or unkind; to hurt one's feelin 5 disabled g a physical or mental condition that makes it diffic for someone to do things most people do easily 2 C 6 a deaf person

drrrrrr2 drrrrrr2    1   17.10.2021 21:09    31

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