A) Laura's dad is 41 / 40 / 43 b) Laura's parents met In Italy / on a cruise / at work
c) David didn't like Sylvia at first fell in love with Sylvia at first sight
thinks that love at first sight doesn't exist
d) Laura's older brother was born in 2000/2003/2001
ei Laura's favourite school subject is art/maths / PE
f) Laura and her brother play tricks on their grandfather Joe because he's
their favourite grandfather / deaf / very stern
g) Miranda doesn't like her grandchildren to play tricks on Joe can't cook
well is the children's favourite grandma
h) Both Rose and Homer are 73 71 81
i) Homer worked as a photographer bird watcher schoolteacher
j) Grandma Rose used to be a cook schoolteacher nurse
Exercise 4.Brainstorm