A H count
it from a huge number of
Everyday English
* Use the sentences to complete the
dialogue. One sentence isn't necessary.
give you the chance
nder one roof
at the new
on all the rides in the
is great! The exhibits
Can I have one, please?
Here's your pizza and vour lemonade.
I'd like a slice of pizza, please.
• Here's your change.
How much is a lemonade?
• Here you are
• No, thank you
A: Hello. Can I help you?
8: Hi. 1)
A: Alright. Anything else?
B: 2)
A: It costs 50 pence,
B: OK 3) ..
A: Of course, 4),
That's £2.50, please.
B: OK. 5) ..
A Thank you, 6).
B. Thanks. Bye.
such as
watch, stay, visit