A ghost lives high up in the mountains Snow leopards eat wild sheep and of central Asia. It hides in the forests goats. When goats. When they attack other and usually only comes out at night. animals, they can easily jump up to 50 People rarely see it, but it leaves feet. They are very strong and can kill tracks in the snow. This isn't a animals that are three times bigger real ghost. This is the snow than them. Luckily for us, they rarely leopard, a big cat that they call the attack humans. 'ghost of the mountains'. Sadly, the snow leopard is an The snow leopard has thick fur with endangered species. There are now black spots on its head, body and only 4,080 to 6,590 of them. In long tail. Its fur protects it from the Kazakhstan, there are fewer than 200. Freezing cold. Its spots help it hide Let's hope that the snow leopard from its prey. It also has big paws to survives and doesn't become a real help it walk on the snow. ghost of the mountains.​

A ghost lives high up in the mountains Snow leopards eat wild sheep and of central Asia. It hides in

IrinaErmolenko IrinaErmolenko    1   23.02.2021 09:59    6

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