A DIALOGUE ABOUT GAMES MARK: We might go to the football match next Saturday. Onsuna.
CRISTINA Football? You must be joking. I can't stand it
MARK: No? Why not?
CRISTINA. Oh. Mark haven't you realised yet? Twenty-two men in
shorts, running aller a bal, trying to kick it into a nel, a man
blowing a whistle, two others waving flags... and thousands of
people shouting and screaming like madmen every time it's a goal
or not. Is this a game?
MARK: I see... you prefer things like hopscotch, hide-and-seek
leap Irog, blind man's bull...
CRISTINA Don'i tease me, Mark. I'm not a child any more and
there are much better sports than foolball,
MARK: Really?
CRISTINA: Yes, lake volleyball, for example. It's so exciting. I'd say wonderful, the two teams
Irying lo keep the ball in motion without letting it touch the ground. No loul play, no violence...
MARK Yes, maybe you're right. I like
volleybalt too. For me all ball games are great!
CRISTINA- Not only ball games, Mark. Don't you like badminton, cards, chess, even darts... and
things like thal?
MARK Eres of course I do.
Especially if I can play it with you!
CRISTINA, Oh Marks This is not fair play
1. What are Cnslina and Mark talking about?
2. On what day of the work are football games played in England?
3. Why does Morkmanbon children's games like hopscotch?
4. What kind of spons and games does Cristna preler?

motidzukiakane motidzukiakane    1   12.05.2021 19:48    46

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