A a 1 You are French
2 Ben doesn't like fish
Sharon's a good athlete,
We will go to the cinema
5 You ve finished your home
6 Don and Kim went to India
a can he?
bisn't she?
diant they
Your brother cani swim.
& Mr Brown works in a ban
9 John passed hit oxam.
10 Your neighbour has got a
Вставьте мини-вопросы
решить англиский
если честно по английскому я не могу читать было русский перевод бы
2) Ben doesn't like fish - Doesn't Ben like fish?
3) Sharon's a good athlete - Is Sharon a good athlete?
4) We will go to the cinema - Will we go to the cinema?
5) You've finished your homework - Have you finished your homework?
6) Don and Kim went to India - Did Don and Kim go to India?
7) a - Is it?
8) b - Isn't she?
9) au - (There is no context provided for this word, creating a mini-question is not possible)
10) n - Who?
11) I - Am I?
12) diant they - (There is a typo in this phrase, it should be "didn't they")
13) Your brother cani swim - Can your brother swim?
14) Mr Brown works in a ban - Does Mr Brown work in a bank?
15) John passed hit oxam - Did John pass his exam?
16) Your neighbour has got a dog - Has your neighbor got a dog?
Если у тебя возникнут еще вопросы, не стесняйся задавать. Я всегда готов помочь.