99 .нужно написать рассказ на (1) или (2) a your teacher has asked you to write a story called 'trapped! ' write your story (120-180 words). b you have decided to enter a short story competition in a magazine. the story must end with the sentence: 'what a miraculous escape! ' write your entry for the competition (120-180 words).

ksss4 ksss4    1   17.08.2019 22:00    10

masha3521 masha3521  05.10.2020 01:38
Once upon a time, little boy, that was at the age of five decided to be a captain of a ship. His name was Bob. He had got a friend, that was also five. Bob called him Rex, though his name was Tom. So, Bob told to Rex his plans, and they decided to go to sea next morning. They found a boat near the seaside. Rex promised to take a lot of food and Bob said, that he would take some clothes with him. After all the preparations on next morning the boys sat in the boat and swam on it to the sea. The weather was clear and sunny. Two boys were swimming in such way for two days. They couldn't sea the land, because they were very far from it. On the second day Rex began cry, as he wanted to go home. "Ok!", - said Bob. "Tomorrow we will swim to the land". But at knight the weather became cloudly, there was no sun on the sky and it began raining. The children were very funky. The waves washed away their food and clothes. Boys understood, that if any ship wouldn't find them, they will die. All next day they didn't sea any ships. The children were very hungry and wanted home. Even in the evening, they saw little spot on the horizon. It was a ship. The ship took boys on the board. The boys slept at ones. On the next morning, they told to the captain their story. The captain promised them, that in two hours they would be at home. And he let Bob to be a captain for these two hours. Bob's dream came in life to be a captain. The children thanked the captain for theirs escape very much. They went home and told everything to theirs parents, that couldn't believe them at once. Than the parents said to their children "What a miraculous escape!"
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