9. Выбери слово, лексически соответствующее предложению, и обведи его.
1. A person who works too much and does not have time to do
anything else is a (worker/workaholic).
2. How (much/long) does it take to get from New York to Los
3. He retired (in/at) the age of 65.
4. Is it (their/there) luggage? Where shall I put it?
5. Grass plains and open forests are a (habit/habitat) of the emu,
a large flightless bird.
6. It (hard/hardly) rains in the Great Victoria Desert.
7. The Browns (have been/have gone) to Los Angeles on holiday.
I hope they're enjoying themselves there.
8. Do you always (obey/argue) your parents?
9. On a rainy day there are a lot of (screams/streams) of water
running down the streets.

bcfujd19 bcfujd19    1   24.03.2021 19:30    2

raddycat raddycat  23.04.2021 20:43

1 workaholic

2 long

3 at

4 their

5 habitat

6 hard

7 have gone

8 obey

9 streams