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The Time Machine
'Gentlemen, the first time machine,' said Professor Grainger, proudly. His three friends looked at it. It was a small box with a switch, a dial, and a red button. 'All you have to do is hold it in your hand, set the dale you want, press the button, and you're there!'
Dr Smedley, one of the other three scientists, picked it up and held it carefully in his hand. 'But the question is, does it work? Can you really travel back into the past?' 'Of course!' said the professor, 'I've tested it myself several times.
Suddenly Dr Smedley turned on the machine and began changing the dial. 'What are you doing, you idiot,' shouted Professor Grainger , and he tried to take the machine away from Smedley.
'Leave me alone! shoutedSmedley. 'Don't try to stop me! I'm going back to 1947!' 'Why?' shouted the professor. `Because I want to find my grandfather and kill him. He was a terrible man. He made my grandmother's life impossible, and my parents' too. I've always wanted to do this!' He pressed the red button ...
Smedley was standing in a field. He knew exactly where he was. He was near the village where he lived when he was a child. He remembered everything very clear! He walked along the road towards his grandfather's farm. He passed a young boy working in the fields and shouted to him, 'Hey, you! What year is it?' 'What year? 1947, of course,' answered the boy. He looked surprised.
On the way Smedley picked up a strong piece of wood. When he got to the farm he saw a young man with red hair standing outside. The man was hitting a dog savagely with a whip. Smedley recognized him at once.
'Slop that!' shouted Smedley. His grandfather turned and looked at him. 'Who are you? Why shouldn't I hit my dog if I want to?' Smedley hit him hard on the head with the piece of wood.
Sixty years later Professor Grainger said proudly, `Gentlemen, the first time machine.' His two friends looked at it.

nicecherry23 nicecherry23    2   30.05.2020 12:38    32

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