9 Complete the words with a prefix from the box. dis- il- im- (x 3) in- mis- re- (x 3) un1 We always argue. She disagrees with everything I say.
2 You can take the exam if you don’t pass the first
3 My sister’s so patient – she can’t wait for ten
4 It’s an formal party. Guests don’t have to wear
5 I don’t think you’re clumsy. I think you’re just
6 My parents often arrange the furniture in their
house for a change.
7 I don’t think we can do what you’re asking. It’s
8 When someone says hello, respond. Don’t be
9 I should speak more clearly. People often
understand me.
10 To save paper, you can use envelopes.
11 It’s legal to employ children to do an adult’s job.

ома7 ома7    2   11.03.2021 17:56    17

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