8предложение по степень сравнения сравнить два предмета

DashaDoro03 DashaDoro03    1   29.03.2019 16:00    1

muratov20011 muratov20011  27.05.2020 13:22

My house is bigger than your house.

A horse is smaller than an elephant.

A monkey is more clever than a parrot.

Moscow is more beautiful than Kiev.

English is more interesting than Russian.

A snake is longer than a mouse.

A dog is shorter than a crocodile.

This table is better than that desk.



IvanUmnisa IvanUmnisa  27.05.2020 13:22

1)This apple tastes better than that which I ate yesterday.

2)Next year we will be asking more homework than they do now.

3)Your picture of my beautiful.


4)The road on which we travel longer one on which we always went.


5)Pushkin's I like more than Lermontov.

6)My grandmother cooks better than my mom.

7)Bag in his left hand in the right bags easier.

8)My cat lazy all the world.







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