8. заполните пропуски словами и словосочетаниями из рамки.
bring charges against 2. elects 3. draft laws 4. the lower house 5. vetoed 6. issues 7. approve or reject 8. to override a presidential veto 9. the upper house 10. appoint or dismiss 11. appointment
1. the 628-member law-making body, termed the federal assembly, consists of two chambers, the 450-member state duma and the 178-member federation council .
2. the state duma confirms the of the prime minister, although it does not have the power to confirm government ministers.
3. the two chambers of the legislature also have the power of legislation. 4. upon the advice of the prime minister, the president can government members, including the deputy prime ministers.
5. under the 1993 constitution, if the president commits “a grave crime” or treason, the state duma may him with the parliament’s upper house, the federation council.
6. several bills that the president had were taken up again by the new legislature.
7. the federation council deals primarily with such as internal borders and decrees of the president establishing martial law or a state of emergency etc.
8. all even those proposed by the federation council, must first be considered by the state duma.
9. according to the 1993 constitution, the state duma must decide within one week to a candidate once the president has placed that person’s name in nomination.
10. each legislative chamber a chairman to control the internal procedures of the chamber.
9. замените слова и выражения в скобках соответствующи- ми эквивалентами.
1. the state duma (принимает постановления) on (вопросам) re- ferred to its authority by the constitution of the russian federation. decrees of the state duma are adopted by a majority of the total number of deputies of the state duma, unless another procedure is envisaged by the constitution. all (законопроекты) are first (одобряются) by the state duma and are fur- ther debated and approved (or (отклоняются)) by the federation council.
2. (государственная дума) in the russian federation is the lower house of the (федерального собрания) of russian (законодательного органа), the upper house being the (совет федераций) of russia.
3. the president (назначает) the prime minister, and the duma (голо- сует) whether to confirm the appointment. the president has wide legisla- tive powers, including the (право вето) and decree. decrees carry the force of law, but may not violate existing law. the federal assembly may (прео- долеть президентское вето) by a two-thirds vote of each house.
4. (законодательная деятельность) originates in the duma and, if passed, is sent to the federation council. if the federation council ap- proves the legislation or fails to examine it within fourteen days, the legisla- tion is sent to the president to be signed.
5. when considering federal constitutional laws, three-fourths of the federation council have to (проголосовать). if the council vetoes a law passed by the state duma, the two chambers are mandated to form a (со- гласительную комиссию) in order to (прийти к компромиссу) and make up a document, which would again go under vote by both houses.
6. the two chambers of the federal assembly ( раздельно), with the state duma residing in another part of moscow. sessions of the federation council are held in moscow from january 25 to july 15 and from september 16 to december 31.
7. the state duma has special powers enumerated by the constitution of russia. among them there is the power to (выносить обвинение) against the president of the russian federation for his impeachment.
10. переведите предложения на язык, используя слова и словосочетания из текста.
1. высший орган законодательной власти в россии — федераль- ное собрание — состоит из двух палат: верхней и нижней.
2. верхняя палата именуется советом федерации, нижняя — го- сударственной думой.
3. совет федерации и государственная дума проводят заседания раздельно, каждая палата имеет свои полномочия.
4. в россии действует принцип разделения властей. 5. первоначально закон принимается простым большинством в государственной думе, затем рассматривается советом федерации.
6. в том случае, если между палатами возникают разногласия, па- латы формируют согласительную комиссию.
7. для преодоления вето в каждой из палат закон должен быть одо- брен не менее чем 2/3 голосов.
8. законодательная деятельность в российской федерации регу- лируется конституцией российской федерации.
9. в течение 14 дней президент может отклонить закон, то есть наложить на него вето и вернуть обратно в государственную думу.
10. законопроект обсуждается на заседаниях государственной думы, в текст законопроектов вносятся поправки, изменения, до- полнения.

Yuliaburtseva1 Yuliaburtseva1    1   14.10.2019 20:39    2696

Vanpal03 Vanpal03  12.01.2024 19:23
1. the 628-member law-making body, termed the federal assembly, consists of two chambers, the 450-member state duma and the 178-member federation council.
- The federal assembly, which is the highest legislative body in Russia, is composed of two chambers: the state duma and the federation council. The state duma has 450 members, while the federation council has 178 members.

2. the state duma confirms the appointment of the prime minister, although it does not have the power to confirm government ministers.
- The state duma has the authority to approve the appointment of the prime minister. However, it doesn't have the power to confirm the appointment of government ministers.

3. the two chambers of the legislature also have the power of legislation.
- Both the state duma and the federation council possess the power to draft and pass laws.

4. upon the advice of the prime minister, the president can appoint or dismiss government members, including the deputy prime ministers.
- The president can appoint or remove government officials, including deputy prime ministers, based on the advice of the prime minister.

5. under the 1993 constitution, if the president commits "a grave crime" or treason, the state duma may bring charges against him with the parliament's upper house, the federation council.
- According to the 1993 constitution, if the president is involved in serious criminal activity or treason, the state duma has the authority to initiate impeachment proceedings against him in collaboration with the federation council.

6. several bills that the president had vetoed were taken up again by the new legislature.
- The new legislature reintroduced several bills that had been rejected by the president through the use of veto power.

7. the federation council deals primarily with issues such as internal borders and decrees of the president establishing martial law or a state of emergency, etc.
- The federation council is mainly responsible for addressing matters related to internal borders and the issuance of presidential decrees pertaining to martial law or a state of emergency, among other things.

8. all legislation, even those proposed by the federation council, must first be considered by the state duma.
- All proposed laws, including those originating from the federation council, must undergo deliberation and consideration in the state duma as the initial step.

9. according to the 1993 constitution, the state duma must decide within one week to approve or reject a candidate once the president has placed that person's name in nomination.
- As per the provisions of the 1993 constitution, the state duma has a one-week period to either approve or reject a candidate proposed by the president once the nomination has been made.

10. each legislative chamber elects a chairman to control the internal procedures of the chamber.
- Each legislative chamber, namely the state duma and the federation council, elects a chairman who oversees and manages the internal proceedings of the respective chamber.

Now, let's move on to understanding the second part of the question.

1. the state duma adopts resolutions on issues referred to its authority by the constitution of the Russian Federation. Decrees of the state duma are adopted by a majority of the total number of deputies of the state duma unless another procedure is envisaged by the constitution. All legislative proposals are first approved by the state duma and are further debated and either approved or rejected by the federation council.
- The state duma makes decisions by passing resolutions on matters assigned to its jurisdiction by the Russian Federation constitution. To pass a decree in the state duma, it requires a majority vote from the total number of deputies, unless specified otherwise in the constitution. All legislative proposals must go through the approval process in the state duma first and then be discussed and either accepted or rejected by the federation council.

2. The state duma in the Russian Federation is the lower house of the federal assembly of Russian legislature, with the upper house being the federation council of Russia.
- In the Russian Federation, the state duma serves as the lower chamber of the federal assembly, while the upper chamber is referred to as the federation council.

3. The president appoints the prime minister, and the state duma votes on whether to confirm the appointment. The president has wide legislative powers, including the right to veto and issue decrees. Decrees carry the force of law but may not contradict existing laws. The federal assembly may override a presidential veto by a two-thirds vote of each house.
- The president has the authority to choose the prime minister, and the appointment needs to be confirmed by the state duma through voting. The president possesses extensive legislative powers, such as the ability to veto bills and release decrees. Decrees hold the status of law but cannot contradict existing legislation. In case the president issues a veto, the federal assembly can override it if two-thirds of the members in each house vote to support it.

4. Legislative activities commence in the state duma, and if a bill is passed, it is then sent to the federation council. If the federation council approves the legislation, or if it fails to review it within fourteen days, the legislation is sent to the president for signing.
- The legislative process starts in the state duma, and if a proposed law is passed there, it is subsequently forwarded to the federation council. If the federation council approves the legislation or doesn't review it within fourteen days, it is then submitted to the president for signing.

5. When considering federal constitutional laws, three-fourths of the federation council members have to vote in favor. In case the council rejects a law endorsed by the state duma, both chambers are required to establish a conciliation committee to reach a compromise and produce a document, which will then be voted upon by both houses.
- In the case of federal constitutional laws, three-fourths of the members in the federation council need to vote in support of the law. If the council rejects a law that has been approved by the state duma, both chambers are obligated to form a conciliation committee. The purpose of this committee is to reconcile any differences and come up with a unified document, which will then undergo voting in both houses.

6. The two chambers of the federal assembly meet separately, with the state duma convening in a different part of Moscow. Sessions of the federation council occur in Moscow from January 25 to July 15 and from September 16 to December 31.
- The two chambers of the federal assembly hold separate meetings, with the state duma gathering in a distinct location within Moscow. The federation council conducts its sessions in Moscow from January 25 to July 15 and from September 16 to December 31.

7. The state duma has specific powers explicitly mentioned in the Russian constitution. Among these powers is the authority to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the Russian Federation.
- The state duma possesses certain powers that are explicitly outlined in the Russian constitution. One of these powers includes the ability to initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the Russian Federation.

Moving on to the last part of the question.

1. The highest legislative body in Russia, the federal assembly, consists of two chambers: the upper and lower.
- Верхняя палата и нижняя палата составляют самый высокий законодательный орган в России - федеральное собрание.

2. The upper chamber is called the federation council, while the lower chamber is called the state duma.
- Верхняя палата называется советом федерации, а нижняя палата называется государственной думой.

3. The federation council and the state duma hold separate sessions, and each chamber has its own set of powers.
- Совет федерации и государственная дума проводят заседания отдельно друг от друга, и каждая палата имеет свой набор полномочий.

4. In Russia, there is a principle of separation of powers.
- В России существует принцип разделения властей.

5. Initially, a law is passed by a simple majority in the state duma and is then considered by the federation council.
- Исходя изначально, закон принимается в государственной думе простым большинством голосов, а затем рассматривается советом федерации.

6. In the event of disagreements between the two chambers, they form a conciliation commission.
- В случае разногласий между двуми палатами они формируют согласительную комиссию.

7. To overcome a veto, a law must be approved by at least a two-thirds majority in each chamber.
- Чтобы преодолеть право вето, закон должен быть одобрен не менее, чем двумя третями голосов в каждой из палат.

8. Legislative activities in the Russian Federation are regulated by the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
- Законодательная деятельность в Российской Федерации регулируется Конституцией Российской Федерации.

9. Within 14 days, the president can reject a law by employing a veto and return it to the state duma.
- В течение 14 дней президент может отклонить закон, воспользовавшись правом вето, и вернуть его обратно в государственную думу.

10. Legislative bills are discussed during state duma sessions, and amendments, changes, and additions are made to the text of the bills.
- Законопроекты обсуждаются на заседаниях государственной думы, и в текст законопроектов вносятся поправки, изменения и дополнения.

I hope this detailed explanation helps you understand the role and functions of the legislative bodies in Russia. Let me know if you have any further questions or if there's anything else I can assist you with!
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