8. передайте следующие предложения в passive voice. 1. i bought potatoes yesterday. 2. we shall bring the books tomorrow. 3. they are repairing the clock now. 4. they sell milk in this shop. 5. i have translated the whole text. 6. they broke the window last week. 7. when i came home, they had eaten the sweets. 8. we shall do the work in the evening. 9. he wrote this book in the 19th century. 10. they were playing tennis from four till five. 11. he stole a lot of money from the shop. 12. by six o'clock they had finished the work.

PandaVo PandaVo    1   09.06.2019 20:20    635

Aieks01 Aieks01  08.07.2020 13:31
1. Potatoes were bought by me yesterday.
2. The books will be brought by us tomorrow.
3. The clock is being repaired (by them) now.
4. Milk is sold (by them) in this shop.
5. The whole text has been translated by me.
6. The window was broken by them last week.
7. When I came home, the sweets had been eaten (by them).
8. The work will be done by us in the evening.
9. This book was written by him in the 19th century.
10. Tennis was being played by them from four till five.
11. A lot of money was stolen by him from the shop.
12. By six o'clock, the work had been finished by them.
svetakotelniko svetakotelniko  08.07.2020 13:31
1. Potatoes were bought by me yesterday. 
2. The books will be brought by us tomorrow
3. The clock is being repaired  now. 
4.Milk is sold in this shop. 
5. The whole text has been translated by me. 
6. The window was broken by them last week. 
7.When I came home, the sweets had been eaten by them
8.The work will be done by us in the evening. 
9. This book was written by him in the 19th century. 
10. Tennis was being played by them from four till five. 
11. A lot of money was stolen by him from the shop
12. By six o'clock, the work had been finished by them.
2156kolllokir 2156kolllokir  15.01.2024 12:28
Хорошо, давайте решим каждое предложение по очереди:

1. Potatoes were bought by me yesterday.
(Картофель был куплен мной вчера.)

2. The books will be brought by us tomorrow.
(Книги будут принесены нами завтра.)

3. The clock is being repaired by them now.
(Часы сейчас ремонтируются ими.)

4. Milk is sold in this shop.
(Молоко продаётся в этом магазине.)

5. The whole text has been translated by me.
(Весь текст был переведен мной.)

6. The window was broken by them last week.
(Окно было разбито ими на прошлой неделе.)

7. When I came home, the sweets had been eaten by them.
(Когда я пришел домой, конфеты были съедены ими.)

8. The work will be done by us in the evening.
(Работа будет выполнена нами вечером.)

9. This book was written by him in the 19th century.
(Эта книга была написана им в 19 веке.)

10. Tennis was being played by them from four till five.
(Теннис играли ими с четырех до пяти.)

11. A lot of money was stolen from the shop by him.
(Много денег было украдено из магазина им.)

12. By six o'clock the work had been finished by them.
(К шести часам работа была закончена ими.)

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