8. Назовите предложение в Past Simple с неправильным порядком слов. 1. She not did sleep last night.
2. We went to town yesterday.
3. Our friends did not come to our place.
4. My mum did not cook breakfast yesterday.

9. В каком вопросе в Past Continuous допущена ошибка? ?
1. Were you watching TV last night?
2. Was he reading a newspaper in the evening?
3. Was they dancing at the party last weekend?
4. Were you sleeping when I called you yesterday?​

leanir leanir    3   10.02.2021 17:14    1

dims12 dims12  10.02.2021 17:20

8.в 1(надо did not).

9.во 2.в 3.


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