8 (big). Where could these children live? What do you
Paraphrase these sentences using as
as. Write the short form of to be in negative sentences.
(Перефразируй эти предложения, используя конструкцию аѕ
as. В отрицательных
предложениях напиши краткую форму глагола tо bе.)
Foto students maths is more difficult than history. (history not difficult
maths) – For some students history isn't as difficult as maths.
1 Geography lessons and English lessons are 45 minutes long. (geography lessons/
long English lessons)
2 My middle school uniform is better than my elementary school uniform.
(elementary school uniform/not good/middle school uniform)
3 My backpack is heavier than my friend's backpack. (friend's backpack not
heavy/my backpack)
4 My smartphone memory is 64 GB and your smartphone memory is 64 GB. (my
smartphone memory/big/your smartphone memory)

saha202000 saha202000    1   08.09.2020 01:13    125

bringm1 bringm1  14.01.2024 19:10
1. Geography lessons are not as long as English lessons. (Географические уроки не такие долгие, как уроки английского).
Explanation: We are comparing the length of two types of lessons - geography and English. We use "not as" to indicate that the length of geography lessons is less than the length of English lessons.

2. My elementary school uniform is not as good as my middle school uniform. (Моя школьная форма в начальной школе не такая хорошая, как в средней школе).
Explanation: We are comparing the quality of two uniforms - the one in elementary school and the one in middle school. We use "not as" to indicate that the quality of the elementary school uniform is lower than the quality of the middle school uniform.

3. My friend's backpack is not as heavy as my backpack. (Рюкзак моего друга не такой тяжелый, как мой).
Explanation: We are comparing the weight of two backpacks - the one belonging to my friend and the one belonging to me. We use "not as" to indicate that the weight of my friend's backpack is lower than the weight of my backpack.

4. Your smartphone memory is not as big as my smartphone memory. (Память твоего смартфона не такая большая, как память моего смартфона).
Explanation: We are comparing the size of the smartphone memory - yours and mine. We use "not as" to indicate that the size of your smartphone memory is smaller than the size of my smartphone memory.

Note: In the original sentence, there is an error where "Foto" should be "For" at the beginning.
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