Check these words How similar/different is the breakfast in the UK and
Kazakhstan? Read through to find out.
black pudding
porridge jam
marmalade berry
The Best Way
to Start the Day
Breakfast in the UK
Breakfast in Kazakhstan
One of the most famous dishes in the UK is the
'full English' or 'fry-up'. It's made up of eggs,
bacon, sausages, baked beans and toast, and can
also include black pudding, fried mushrooms and
tomatoes! A full English breakfast takes a lot of
time to cook and it's quite unhealthy to eat every
day, so a lot of British people only eat it at the
weekend. On weekdays, most people eat
something lighter for breakfast, like a bowl of
porridge or breakfast cereal. Another popular
choice is to eat buttered
toast with jam or
marmalade. No
Breakfast is an important meal for Kazakhs.
Traditional breakfast food in Kazakhstan
includes lots of dairy-based products such as
milk and ayran. During the week, especially in
the cities, people prefer to eat fried eggs,
porridge, bread, jam, milk and berries for
. Tea is the most popular morning
drink in Kazakhstan -
it's the perfect
way to start
the day!
English breakfast is
complete without
a cup of tea!
Read and listen to the texts. Compare the
breakfast habits of people in the UK and Kazakhstan.
A typical British breakfast includes ... A typical Kazakh breakfast includes...
During the week, ...
hout the typical food