7. use past continuous or past simple. 1. when i … to school i …. john. (walk/see) 2. when i… in the kitchen mary … . (help/come) 3. while she … the soup the children … . (cook/play) 4. while they … cards the baby … . (play/sleep) 5. when i… in the garden my uncle … . (work/call) 6. carol … tv while bob and peter … football. (watch/play) 7. when she … her hair the baby … to cry. (wash/begin) 8. a strong wind … when the plane … . (blow/land) 9. when she… tennis it … to rain. (play/began) 10. when i… tv the lights … out. (watch/go) 11. while he … the piano she… to him. (play/listen) 12. while she… up her room he … his car. (tidy/wash) 13. the boys… in the garden while she … the flowers. (help/water) 14. he … mary when he … through the park. (meet/walk) 15. we … computer games while she … a book. (play/read)

полинаполига полинаполига    1   09.07.2019 09:20    4

leprekon1999ku leprekon1999ku  07.09.2020 08:10
1 . was walking, saw 2 . was helping, came 3 . Was cooking , played 4 . Were playing , slept 5 . was working, called 6 . watched , were playing 7 . was washing , began 8 . Blew , landing 9 . Was playing, began 10. Was watching , went 11. Was playing, listened 12. Was tidying, whased 13. helped, was watering 14. Met , was walking 15. Played , was reading
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